Attack on Titan - volume 02 - sc - 2012

Artikelnummer: 97816462620251
Artikel 455 van 572
€ 12,95

Attack on Titan - Volume 02

De Anime Megahit!

Ben je klaar voor Attack on Titan?

In this post-apocalyptic sci-fi story, humanity has been devastated by the bizarre, giant humanoids known as The Titans.

The blockbuster action manga that inspired the epic anime stampedes towards its climax! The saga of humanity and the predatory Titans edges closer to its thrilling conclusions. The mysteries of the Titans are being revealed... who will escape death at the hands of giants and human beings?

For one hundred years, what's left of mankind has lived in the city on earth, protected by walls that tower over ravenous giants known as the Titans. Untouched by the Titans for a century, humanity has become complacent. But Eren Jaeger has had had enough. While his fellow citizens are content to hide, Jaeger has the passion to take action to not only protect the city, but to learn what the Titans actually are. But on his first mission he comes face to face with horrors beyond his imagination and secrets from his own past that could shift the tides of war.


1e druk



Jaar van Uitgifte: 2012Uitgeverij: Kodansha America, Inc

192 pagina's



ISBN: 9781612620251


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