Stranger Things - Set box 3 delen - Zombie Boys - The Bully - Erica The Great - engelsta- lig - softcover - 2021/2022

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€ 37,50 (inclusief btw)

Stranger Things: Set box 

Zombie Boys - The Bully -  Erica The Great




Collecting three exciting standalone stories from the world of Stranger Things, this graphic novel boxed set makes the perfect gift for any young fan of the hit Netflix show.

This is a complete set of the Stranger Things younger readers graphic novels beautifully boxed with original art from Ron Chan, and also including an exclusive double-sided poster featuring covers from the series.

In Stranger Things: Zombie Boys

It’s spring in the normally quiet town of Hawkins, Indiana. Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Will grapple with the traumatic encounters they had with the Demogorgon – the stress building tension in their crew. Just in time to distract them, Spielberg-wannabe, Joey Kim, joins their AV club with a Betamax Camcorder and a vision—To make the scariest movie Hawkins Middle School has ever seen.

In Stranger Things: The Bully

Troy has been having nightmares about Eleven ever since she embarrassed him in front of the school and broke his arm with telekinesis. Powerless and anxious, Troy is determined to prove that what happened between him and El is only some form of trickery. That is until he and his friend James encounter demodogs!

In Stranger Things: Erica The Great

With the Starcourt Mall’s recent destruction, Erica has lost her favorite hangout spot and her “free Ice cream for life” deal at Scoops-Ahoy. To make matters worse, her brother is too busy for her and her mom won’t let her play Dungeons and Dragons anymore. This is the story of an ambitious, bossy, brilliant ten-year-old dealing with the complexities of maintaining friendships and learning how to compromise.

1e druk 


Uitgeverij: Dark Horse

Netflix serie

Jaar van Uitgifte: 2021/22




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