Hell's paradise: Jigokuraku - Vol 9 - sc - 2021
Artikelnummer: 9781974715305 OverzichtHell's paradise: Vol. 9
Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku manga volume 8 features story and art by Yuji Kaku.
The battle against Lord Tensen has forced everyone to push their bodies to the limit, accessing new abilities and taking desperate measures to secure their escape. But against such formidable foes, sometimes your best…is simply not enough. The bandit Aza Chobe and Gabimaru the Hollow have the highest chances of beating the enemy, but they may pay a dear price for their victory!
Age Rating: 17+
Genre: Action, Supernatural, Historical
Uitgeverij: Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc
Jaar van Uitgifte: 2021
216 pagina's
ISBN: 9781974715305