The Walt Disney Archives - The animated movies - 1921/1968 - hc - 2020

Artikelnummer: 9783836580861
Artikel 36 van 162
€ 27,50 (inclusief btw)

The Walt Disney Archives - The animated movies - 1921/1968




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One of the most creative minds of the 20th century, Walt Disney built a unique and unrivaled imaginative universe. Like scarcely any other classics of cinema, his astonishing collection of animated cartoons revolutionized storytelling on screen and enchant to this day across geographies and generations.

This expansively illustrated publication on Disney animation gathers hundreds of images as well as essays by Disney experts, taking us to the beating heart of the studio’s “Golden Age of Animation.” We trace Disney’s complete animation journey from the silent film era, through his first full-length feature Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) and Fantasia (1940), right up to his last masterpieces Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966) and The Jungle Book (1967).

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Uitgeverij: Taschen/Librero

Bron: Disney 

Jaar van Uitgifte: 2020


ISBN: 9783836580861


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