PRE-order - Vinland SAGA - Book 7 - hc LUXE - 2025 - Nieuw!

Artikelnummer: 9781646519842
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€ 59,95 (inclusief btw)


Vinland SAGA de LUXE

Volume 07



Thorfinn's detour to Greece has been itself derailed by a succession crisis. The Jomsvikings seek a new leader, and Thorfinn cannot keep his identity as the son of Thors secret for long. It seems the dream of paradise will have to be deferred until the end of one more war... The violent and complex action epic that inspired the hit anime returns, in premium, 3-in-1, collector’s hardcovers! Includes volumes 19-21 of the Japanese edition of Vinland Saga and new bonus content. Since striking out from Iceland, Thorfinn's crew keeps growing, adding the aspiring sailor Gudrid, a baby, a dog, and the vengeful tinker Hild, but they seems to be getting no closer to selling their cargo in Miklagard, much less making the trek west to Vinland. When the Jomsvikings realize this Thorfinn is the same peerless fighter they once fought against, he emerges against his will as a top candidate to lead the band. Floki, who wants to ensure his grandson wins the power struggle, sends the bloodthirsty Garm after Thorfinn. Before long, this leadership dispute threatens the peace of the entire Baltic Sea, drawing the attention of King Canute... 

This premium, hardcover edition presents the acclaimed action epic in hardcover, at a bigger size than ever before (7 by 10 inches), wrapped in a black leather-patterned cover with logo stamping. This new edition features all the content of the original release, plus new and exclusive bonus illustrations, interviews, and behind-the-scenes details never before translated. This oversized collection includes volumes 16-18 of the Japanese edition of Vinland Saga, plus 53 pages of bonus content




Uitgeverij: Kodansha Comics

Jaar van Uitgifte: 2024

608 pagina's!


ISBN: 9781646519842

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Hardcover in mooie luxe verzamelcassette

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